Knitty Nora's Sitting, Knitting and Knotting Album - A life in knitting. Sort of.Album of Historical, Vintage and Modern Knitting

Some years ago I attended a medieval conference and throughout the day one lady was knitting up some spectacularly perfect stranded colourwork while listening to the papers. Inbetween speakers this lady attracted much positive comment and I asked her a very specific question, to which she merely replied self-importantly, "Well I have been knitting for fifty years!". Which wasn't quite the technical answer I expected. She preened and I gave up the cause of rational conversation with her as lost.

The funny thing is, I've been knitting since I was a tiny wee thing so I could have told her gently that I've been knitting for twenty-five years myself. Now I haven't always knitted constantly throughout this period, nor am I any kind of expert on everything knitting (most definitely not), but I have clocked-up a fair few projects in my time, some good, though many of which put the 'tat' in tattyfilarious. On this page are some of those knitting adventures.

And for those of you who wanted proof, here too is the ludicrously full skirt I knitted aged around 8, for a very stylish rabbit...

Early Knitted Colourwork Purse

1562 Eleanor of Toledo Stockings

Tudor Knitted Sleeves

Early Colourwork Purse


1562 Eleanor of Toledo Stockings


Tudor Knitted Sleeves

Gunnister Knitted Purses

Gunnister Knitted Fragment

1680s-1780s Knitted Baby Jacket

1690s Knitted Gunnister Purses


1690s Knitted Gunnister Fragment


1680s-1780s Knitted Baby Jacket

The Infamous Pineapple Fruiticule

c1840 Pineapple Reticule

Victorian Undersleeves

The Infamous Pineapple Fruiticule


c1840 Pineapple Reticule


Victorian Undersleeves

Socks and Stockings


Knitted Skirt

Socks and Stockings




Knitted Tutu Skirt


Contents + Leaves from the Album + Clothing + Knitting + Ramblings +  +

Isabella's Frocks - Leaves From An Album

©Isabella 1999-2005


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