Historical clothing brings together several of my favourite subjects: history, fashion and textiles. I have been interested in the dress of many eras since childhood, especially that of the early modern period and in particular, women's clothes of the seventeenth to early eighteenth century with forays into later eighteenth and nineteenth century dress. One way or another I've cavorted in many a silly and sensible outfit over the years, including Medieval, Baroque, Georgian, Empire, Victorian and Edwardian. I've even dabbled in vintage. Here is a selection of some of those frocks and other bits and pieces...
...which I still have not finished! However most of the sixteenth century outfits were made for the living history/historical interpretation events at Kentwell Hall, and those have a page all to themselves of Tudor and Elizabethan costume, accessories and needlework. Which isn't finished either. I hope to update this soon (famous last words), so please do visit again. |